
Showing posts from 2024

Finally Dr. Menzmer!

  PC: Jessica Kovach Photography During my undergraduate career, my best friends lovingly nicknamed me "FDM". The initials stood for F uture D r. M enzmer - because while not all of them wanted to pursue a doctoral degree themselves, they were quite supportive of my dreams!  I'm thrilled to announce a change to my status, though not nickname initials: F inally D r. M enzmer! :) My presentation and defense was in late February. I've spent the past month or so making changes requested by my committee and graduate school and finally submitted the document tonight. That I am the recipient of measureless support from family and friends is an understatement. I'm thrilled to have successfully defended my dissertation. If you're interested in watching my exit seminar to gain a better understanding of my research, see below.  It's hard to believe that it's been nearly a year since I wrote on here. Outside of writing my dissertation, I've also had the opport